Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

It is annoying. 

Whether you have AIH or someone you love does we have all been through the awkwardness of people being ridiculous about our immune disorder. 

Let me be completely clear so there is no confusion: Autoimmune hepatitis is NOT contagious.

It is an autoimmune disorder and thus by definition a problem with my immune system.

So, I do not have a drinking problem - nor have I ever, I don't do drugs/ use dirty needles, I don't hang out with the wrong crowd - my body just has some self hate issues OKAY?! So stop with your assumptions and asinine comments. If you don't know then ask in a respectful way because I am more than happy to discuss it but don't look at me with the sketchy expression or roll your eyes and back up a few steps so you don't "catch" my disease.

Also, medical professionals the same goes for you. You have an education in medical issues and yet you still don't seem to understand AUTOIMMUNE. Putting on 5 gloves and a hazmat suit makes you look like an idiot and makes people think I am carrying some sort of crazy contagion - so stop before you hurt yourself or I hurt you out of frustration.

For those of you that don't know the simplest way I have found to explain AIH is as follows: 

You know if you were to get a liver transplant but you body rejected it? Well that is essentially what is happening. My body has a hyper active immune system that has started attacking the good cells of the liver because it thinks they are bad. This causes scarring and damage and is very bad so I take drugs that suppress my immune system and keep inflammation down so that my liver can keep me alive! And it is an autoimmune disorder sot his means that it is in no way contagious.

To all my fellow AIHers don't worry we all have wanted to punch at least one person in the face because they make assumptions and say stupid crap. I have found I have to choose my battles. In effort to raise awareness I try to explain it. But, where I can fix ignorance I can't fix stupid, so sometimes just smiling, shaking my head, and walking away is all I can do. I have even though to myself that if someone is that ridiculous and moronic that I am glad they think I am contagious because then I don't have to work so hard to avoid them.

Having AIH is cumbersome and annoying and exhausting and to have to try and explain yourself to every new person or group can just make the entire ordeal overwhelmingly frustrating. Just remember you aren't alone in the fight or the frustration and hopefully the more people we are patient with and don't judo chop int eh face the more people will know about AIH and we can start spending less time explaining ourselves.

Stay strong and remember to smile because it is always worth the fight!

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